Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

11:20AM – I receive a really interesting phone call from a recruiter in NYC.

“Hi, this is Lauren from Your Dream Company. Are you available to come in for an interview later this week, say Thursday? Sorry for the last minute notice but the hiring manager is heading to Asia on Friday and won’t be back until the end of the month.”

I’m not entirely sure why the recruiter assumed that I was a local candidate (as I have a Chicago address listed on my resume) but I certainly did not want to disabuse her of that notion.

“Unfortunately I’m actually in Chicago this week.” Like every other week. “Could we set up a phone interview instead?”

“Sure, let’s see” she responded. [Computer clicks] “How about tomorrow at 3PM?”

“That sounds great.” And I was in!

11:30AM – Operation Interview Prep commences. I interviewed with this company about a year ago so I already know a good deal about their business and culture. I take a quick cruise around the corporate website and begin to fantasize about my future employee discount.

2:51PM – I pick up my phone to send a quick text. Something is wrong though: my phone is off and the screen is blank. Blackberry, DO NOT do this to me now. Sighing, I flip my phone over, remove the SIM card, and replace it. The screen remains blank. Fine, I’ll just take out the battery then. I replace it and hold my breath. Great success: my phone begins to reboot.

2:58PM – My phone is STILL rebooting. T-T-Today junior!

3:01PM – My phone is finally back up and running.

3:02PM – The hiring manager calls. Thank goodness phone interviews always start a couple of minutes late.

3:26PM – We are wrapping up the phone call and the hiring manager says that she would like me to come in for an onsite interview. “So when are you going to be back in NYC?”

Crap! Make up something good. “Well, I’ll be in Chicago for the next few weeks while I finish up a project but I could be in New York by the end of the month.”

“Great, why don’t we plan on the 30th? In the next few days I’ll forward you an itinerary.”

3:28PM – The call ends. I go for a victory lap around the block.


  1. Fantastic! Who knows you'll go out there and have 2 days to come home pack and move yourself there for good. Sounds like a familiar story :)
