Monday, November 8, 2010

The Five Month Itch

I was at work today, cleaning up a Power Point deck when the urge hit me: I really wanted to go online and see who was hiring.

But, you ask, didn't you just start working? Don't you like your job? Well, yes and yes. But it wouldn't hurt to look, right? Just to see what's out there - you know, keep my options open. (Ahem, just for a minute, just to see how it feels).

I'm a big fan of scapegoats, so I'm going to blame my sudden case of "grass is greener at other companies" on daylight savings time. The sun is just rising when I wake up, and the sky pitch black by the time that I leave work. Is it any wonder that my job seemed to lose a bit of its luster overnight?

Surely, there must be a magical company out there.

A place where I can work on fun and challenging projects while effortlessly maintaining work-life balance.

A place where my commute would be under 20 minutes by car. No traffic = no morning road rage = a better way to start the day. (Seriously, suburban traffic is the WORST. I now realize that the opening scene from Office Space was filmed during my morning commute.)

A place that caters lunch every day.

A place that gives me tons of vacation time.

A place that pays me like Bill Gates.

A place where the work is rewarding.

Surely, my list of job qualifications must be realistic. And also highly attainable. Unfortunately, I have the feeling that even if I switched roles, about five months into the next gig, I'd be wondering what else is out there.

Oh. My. God. It never ends, does it?


  1. You should've learned that at MDM- maximizers vs optimizers

  2. No,it will never end. That's something they don't teach in school.
